Friday, December 30, 2011

My New Year Resolution

Soooooo tomorrow is New Years and what on Earth have I done over the year? 

Well, I got a new job. Two actually. And I still have them both. You can imagine the stress. Especially since the year started in the hospital with our new little girl catching a deadly strain of pneumonia. That was scary. The year has pretty much been kids and work which is not bad because the job has been extremely rewarding and the kids are doing great.

This is the end of the year though and like everyone I feel the need to promise myself next year is going to be better. And maybe I should because other than healthy jobs and cool new work this year has SUCKED!

I could promise to quit smoking or even lose 50 pounds (wouldn't that be nice), but all I really want is to be bloody happy. Even in a new, healthy body would I be happy? Who knows!

But then how do you quantify happiness? How do you know if you are actually working towards happiness unless you are happy. Then you have already achieved it, have you not? And will it last or is simply a burst of serotonin that somehow got away with positive affect. Again, who knows!

So maybe I should just aim to have as many happy little moments as possible, be aware of them when they happen and just enjoy them when they are there in 2012. That's what I'll do.

Happy New Year everyone!

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